The Coolest Blog in the World

the impossible cool.

I’m so jealous of this blog. It makes me feel so very uncool.

It’s an unfussy Tumblr that features the coolest people ever. Great photos and well chosen quotes. Simple and well, cool. I guess.


the impossible cool.

the impossible cool.

Dudes from the top: Walken, Thompson, Curtis, Camus.

Posted to Twitter by the impossibly cool @kallgard.

An Amazing Animated Gif Video

Absolutely incredible – also from It’s just one long scrolling scene made up of thousands of animated gifs. I quite like the song too, it’s jolly.

Whoops, almost forgot the track is by The Sea and Cake and it’s called “Coconut”.

Bomb the Bass Butterfingers Video

I love this completely and utterly.

The track is amazing and the video is wonderfully simple…

It’s Butterfingers by Bomb the Bass (featuring Fujiya & Miyagi). There’s a high quality quicktime version here with much better audio.

The Girl Effect

The design of this charity site is really lovely. To my ill-trained eyes the typography is nice. And I like their promo film too. Everything about just feels like it works together.

And they made sharing so easy I’d have felt mean not doing…

The Girl Effect - Home

DIY Love:Hate Posters

Wall Art Posters | Modern Wall Art | DIY Design: Love/Hate Posters by Ben Dodgson | Design Supremo

I liked this poster set. You get a love poster and a hate poster. And 3 sheets of Letraset based words and phrases.

Without wanting to be a wanker about it, I like the fact that it forces you to make a simple binary decision about a bunch of things and commit your opinions to paper via the act of rubbing.

Below is 1 of the 3 sheets. I already know I like Stanton Warriors and Sheds, but some of the other things are harder to figure out.


And another thing that’s nice. If you actually complete one, photograph it and send a photo back they’ll give you a free t-shirt from their catalogue. That sounds to me very much like a circle getting completed. Hooray.

This and lots more nice stuff at Design Supremo.

Looks Like Carphone Warehouse, Smells (and Sounds) Like Minilogue

Minilogue video by Kristopher Storm (Music by Minilogue).

Carphone Warehouse ad by Kristopher Storm (Music by Minilogue).

I’m really confused. Everything in my brain is shutting down and I’ve got no idea what to say about it. My groove has been well and truly freaked.

I saw the Carphone Warehouse ad on telly and thought this is quite a nice advertisement. Then something twitched in my brain and I thought “Fuck me, that really reminds me of that Minilogue video”, then I heard the music at the end and though “Fuck me, it even sounds like bloody Minilogue”.

Then I went and looked both of them up and realised that they’ve been done by the same guy: Kristofer Strom.

Here’s why my brain almost imploded:

  1. I’m glad that it’s not a ripoff or ‘homage’
  2. I like the fact they’ve gone to the source to get it made – I like the idea of people being ‘discovered’ on YouTube then being given decent budgets to make more of their ‘art’
  3. I think it works well as a ad, I think it’s nice
  4. It’s taking something that’s been seen by 3m people globally (on YouTube) and whacking it all over the ad breaks on UK TV where it will be seen my millions more (don’t know if I feel good or bad about that – probably just neutral)
  6. Or does point 5 even matter? If it’s a good ad that tells the right story and engages the target market (and the creator is getting duly rewarded) why should I be such a stuck-up creative fuckwad about it?

I don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but it’s certainly raised a debate in my head that’s not dying down…

Is this the future? Does it even matter? Do I really care? from Poke NY

The chaps at Poke NY have just spawned a new thing of total awesomeness.

Basically it’s a YouTube viewer that allows you to browse YouTube clips using just the space bar. You visit the site and start watching. If you don’t like the clip. Hit space and you’ll move on to the next one. They’ve loaded it up with a bunch of clips that they like (which is a pretty good selection in its own right).

Visit to check it out.

But it’s also incredibly easy to create your own experience, all you have to do is add your term after the trailing slash in the URL.

So if you want to view a selection of clips featuring kittens you’d just go to

Or if you wanted to randomise a bunch of 80s pop videos just check

URLs + spacebar. A great navigational combo for drunk / stoned / lazy people.

How Many 5 Year Olds Could You Take In A Fight


I liked this promotion for a free online dating site.

Not because I endorse fighting gangs of 5 year olds (although I’ve probably had more experience of that particular activity than most, but that’s another story…).

I liked it because when you elect to put the badge above on your site you can choose whether or not you want to have a version with an extra little link to their dating site. I chose not to. But it was really nice of them to ask. And I almost said yes, just because they asked. If they hadn’t asked and just stuck their extra link in, in a horrible and cynical fashion, I wouldn’t have put up the badge at all.

Nice one Damn I just posted their link anyway. See how well it worked.

Oh and I like the fact that they put in a link to the forum post that inspired the quiz. That’s a decent thing to do too.