Looks Like Carphone Warehouse, Smells (and Sounds) Like Minilogue

Minilogue video by Kristopher Storm (Music by Minilogue).

Carphone Warehouse ad by Kristopher Storm (Music by Minilogue).

I’m really confused. Everything in my brain is shutting down and I’ve got no idea what to say about it. My groove has been well and truly freaked.

I saw the Carphone Warehouse ad on telly and thought this is quite a nice advertisement. Then something twitched in my brain and I thought “Fuck me, that really reminds me of that Minilogue video”, then I heard the music at the end and though “Fuck me, it even sounds like bloody Minilogue”.

Then I went and looked both of them up and realised that they’ve been done by the same guy: Kristofer Strom.

Here’s why my brain almost imploded:

  1. I’m glad that it’s not a ripoff or ‘homage’
  2. I like the fact they’ve gone to the source to get it made – I like the idea of people being ‘discovered’ on YouTube then being given decent budgets to make more of their ‘art’
  3. I think it works well as a ad, I think it’s nice
  4. It’s taking something that’s been seen by 3m people globally (on YouTube) and whacking it all over the ad breaks on UK TV where it will be seen my millions more (don’t know if I feel good or bad about that – probably just neutral)
  6. Or does point 5 even matter? If it’s a good ad that tells the right story and engages the target market (and the creator is getting duly rewarded) why should I be such a stuck-up creative fuckwad about it?

I don’t know how anyone else feels about it, but it’s certainly raised a debate in my head that’s not dying down…

Is this the future? Does it even matter? Do I really care?

Custom QR Velcro Patches


There was quite a bit of interest in the Facebook QR Code T-Shirt that I featured a while ago. So I figured this velcro QR code patch might be of interest too.

Each patch is a unique QR code that you, the purchaser of said patch, has complete control over. You can basically link it to whatever URL you like. Could be your blog, an RSS feed, a Facebook hookup, a Flickr gallery, anything you can think of really.

As they rightly say on the site:

Why, alpha-nerd bonding, of course.

Yours for just $19.99.

Plus, they gave me a handy link to a QR code reader for the iPhone. Hooray, now I can play at mobile geek too.

Via: Notcot

The Mysterious Adventure of the QR Code In The Toilet


I spotted this ‘QR Code’ stuck to the underside of a loo seat. And I thought to myself “what a peculiar, yet intriguing place to stick a QR code”. So I took a photo of it thinking that it might reveal the start of a marvelous adventure.

But now I’ve tried to decode the code using the Experimental ZXing Decoder Onilne (part of this Google Code project) it tells me that it’s not a valid code.

Can anyone put me out of my misery and decode this phantom loo-seat QR Code…

toilet qr code

KDDI Eye Project

Massive morphing movie shapes featuring UCG films and photos. Very very slickly done. Eye project from KDDI.

And the ‘blog this’ widget (above) is nicely executed too (although I think ‘join’ is a pretty harsh call to action that would put me off – but it could just be a language thing). Bits of the site are in Japanese, but it’s easy to follow and well signposted in English.