I spotted this ‘QR Code’ stuck to the underside of a loo seat. And I thought to myself “what a peculiar, yet intriguing place to stick a QR code”. So I took a photo of it thinking that it might reveal the start of a marvelous adventure.
But now I’ve tried to decode the code using the Experimental ZXing Decoder Onilne (part of this Google Code project) it tells me that it’s not a valid code.
Can anyone put me out of my misery and decode this phantom loo-seat QR Code…
Iain, it’s not a QR code. It’s a crossword. You can plainly see the clue for 2 across above the toilet. :-)
Yeah, it’s not any 2d barcode format I’ve seen before.
It says, “My name is Big Graham and I am looking for love.”
I can see the toilet seat is down, so you must of been taking this picture after a number 2.
or you pissed on the seat.
it says “put the seat down – signed, women of the world”
Schmee – if that were true it’d be fucking genius!
thats the icon for a crossword puzzle, either that or it’s a cottaging sign.
I checked out Schmee’s theory… It would look like this:
Who wants to turn them into stickers on behalf of the women of the world?
It looks more like a visual marker for an augmented reality system than a QR code.
Maybe you were meant to put your knob in front of the camera with the sticker in view and it shows you how not to piss on the seat. Or shows you having a giant knob.
This is at The Royal Oak – two doors from my house. Someone has put it there for da lulz to mock digital people.
Schmee – if that were true it'd be fucking genius!
AR CODE!!! Augmented Reality