Is It Just Me…

Or has the language of dots next to something taken on a meaning that perhaps it didn’t have before…

Gym Graphics

When I spotted this in the window of a hotel I thought to myself: “How odd that they’re promoting the fact that their facilities are only 1/3 as good as they should be”. In my head when I see coloured-in blobs next to words I assume that they’re some kind of rating.

Damn you internet, damn you! You’ve made meaningless graphical circle-noodling into something more.

O2 Bad Web Page

The new O2, we’re out of stock of the 3G iPhone, page is bad. For a number of reasons. The whole upgrade/ordering thing was a farce, but more on that elsewhere

But worst of all is the padlock in the top right hand corner.

In my book a padlock on web pages means something. Normally that the page is secure. The page in question, is not secure:

A big company like O2 should know better than to mess about with the sanctity of the padlock.