Bang! And the snow is gone!
The red VW is still sitting pretty, but it looks less exciting today. Andy sent me this tiltshifted version of the photo which makes the whole thing even more surreal – he done it on the Tilt Shift Maker – very cool.
Bang! And the snow is gone!
The red VW is still sitting pretty, but it looks less exciting today. Andy sent me this tiltshifted version of the photo which makes the whole thing even more surreal – he done it on the Tilt Shift Maker – very cool.
Aw, now it looks all grey and wet and UK shitty again. No amount of tilt-shifting will fix that.
That Tilt Shift thing is awesome.
What’s the parking like in your street?
As you can see from the photos there’s very little movement and it’s pretty much bumper to bumper. But if you want to leave your car there it’ll be OK, forever.