P-p-p-product D-d-d-demos – The Beardyman Way

I’ve been looking around for interesting product demos recently. We’ve been talking to clients how demos can be both entertaining and informative.

A couple of well-known entertaining product demos that spring to mind are Ikea’s Dream Kitchens and the Philips Bodygroom stuff (and of course who could forget Will It Blend? for Blendtech)

And here’s a couple of demos I found recently featuring 2006 and 2007 UK Beatbox Champion Beardyman. They’re low-cost, low production value, but entertaining (and right for the target audience I’d have said). They’re not made by the manufacturers, but they perhaps should have been.

Here’s Beardyman battling himself (with the help of DJ JFB) using Numark’s Virtual Vinyl:

And here he is again jamming on the Korg Kaoss Pad 3 with a plastic duck. I don’t know why but I love the fact that the product is upside-down. I’m sure it’s not been done on purpose, but if a company did that I’d think that they were dead confident and stuff.

If you want to hear quite how skilled Beardyman is there’s some amazing audio on his website. The clip from ‘Tim Shaw’s Asylum’ is totally next-level. Scratching the DJs name backwards and stuff.

And if you’ve got any other great examples of products being demoed in entertaining ways I’d love to hear them.