4×4 Meme: More About Me

I got tagged by blackbeltjones with the 4×4 meme. So I rolled over and became a part of it. Plus it gives me a chance for some totally self-absorbed and pointless blogging.

It looks like this meme has mutated a bit over time, but I’m going to continue on the branch handed to me by Mr Jones…

So here’s my 4 answers to each of 4 questions:

4 Jobs I’ve had

Work Experience – Some random solicitors firm in Burton on Trent. At the time I really wanted to be a lawyer. I also wanted to drive a Porsche and go skiing. Basically that was my teenage rebellion. It’s what happens when your parents come from the hippy side of the fence. I’m sure they’d have been fine catching me with a cheeky spliff – but a filofax. I knew that’d horrify them.

Boots, Sound and Vision – Burton-on-Trent – When I was 17-18 I worked in Boots. They had a rather natty Sound and Vision department that sold tapes, records, computer games (on cassette), compact film cameras and midi-hifi systems (sad to think that of all those things that only really records exist any more). I was good at selling that stuff.

Principles for Men – Edinburgh. While I was a student I used to do a couple of weekday shifts and a weekend in the basement of the store on Princes Street. During the week the most regular customers were smackhead shoplifters. Their target was generally reversible blouson jackets – they’d realised that they’re great for avoiding detection. If security guards are looking for guys in lemon yellow jackets, they can flip them and be just an innocent guy in a baby blue one.

WWAV Rapp Collins – Edinburgh. My first proper job (after freelancing doing web stuff for the Edinburgh Science Festival) was at a DM agency. The creatives were on a separate floor and used to go and drink shedloads at lunchtime. I was friends with some of them and tried to keep up a few times, it was not good. For the job interview they warned candidates they were going to be asked to demonstrate their Excel skills. So I got the Excel manual and went straight to the back. I learned some bonkers, useless macro skills. They’d never seen anything like it before and I got the job. I never used those skills again. After a few months I went to the MD and suggested that we should look at the Internet as a thing for doing marketing stuff – it was suggested that this was not a good idea. I left soon after.

Four TV Shows I DVR (or shows I would record on DVR if I had a DVR)

(When trying to write this I realised just how little ‘serious’ TV I watch).

Weeds – if you’ve not seen it you should. It’s incredibly dark and incredibly funny. A suburban housewife starts growing weed in order to keep her dysfunctional family together. I still chuckle when I think about the young son’s gangster rap, and any show that makes gags about the Prius being the perfect drive-by car shows a certain degree of skill. Oh and there’s a very odd cameo by Snoop Dogg in series 3. And they have a thing where someone different sings the theme song every episode – and they’re all really cool Weeds is cool.

South Park – I should have grown out of it years ago. But it’s still the satire I enjoy the most. Who else could so eloquently illustrate democracy as making the choice between a douchebag and a shit sandwich and claim that that’s how it’s been throughout history.

Peep Show – nothing makes me laugh like Peep Show. It takes the classic sit-com format and bends it into a dark, painful and twisted voyage inside the brain of modern man.

Heroes – it’s a little cheesy. But it’s really really good. Sophie and I have only just managed to get rid of our sofa-sores after our marathon 23 episode feast over a rainy bank-holiday weekend last year. We’ve not started on Season 3 yet…

Four places I’ve been:

Hamm, Germany. My grandparents used to live there. I remember going there on the coach on my own when I was 13/14. I stayed with my pen pal Aldrik (arranged by my grandma). It was all very pen-pally. On the return trip Aldrik brought me a 12″ maxi single of the Pet Shop Boys. Which was nice.

Koh Pang Ngan, Thailand – I’ve been there a couple of times. I’ve never actually been to one of the legendary full moon parties (probably a good thing). I have however been to an odd detox resort which involved daily enemas and drinking vegetable water. Which was nice.

Northern Italy, Near Merano – An odd bit of Italy where most people speak German. We went there for a summer holiday and it was great. The cable cars take you up the hills and you can walk down. Only downside is being woken up in the morning by the clack-clack-clack of geriatric walkers with their ski-pole-like walking sticks. But they make lovely wine, the air is the freshest I’ve ever breathed and the scenery is stunning. Which was nice.

Las Vegas – I only mention Las Vegas because I think it’s ruined my perceptions of going to lots of places in the world. I noticed it when I was in India. Bits of India didn’t feel quite right to me, and I realised that the reason was that I’d been there already. Well I’d been to the Vegas facsimilie anyway. And the Vegas version was bigger and brighter. So very very wrong.

Four music artists I’m listening to now:

Basic Channel – awesome minimal tech-space-dub. Most of their catalogue was realeased in 1993-1995 and only ever on vinyl – but it’s all just had it’s first digital release through Beatport. I bought the lot. And I can’t stop listening to them. Their releases as Rhythm & Sound are a bit more Reggae influenced but equally storming.

PoleResident Advisor Podcast. Kind of part of the same scene as Basic Channel. This podcast just popped up as I felt ready to go deeper into the dub vortex. The mix fuses reggae, dubstep and minimal sounds into something rather wonderful. The RA podcast is one of the most consistently excellent podcasts I’ve come across (if you like electronic-y stuff). His albums 1, 2, 3, R and Steingarten are all worth a listen.

Justus Kohncke – This chap has been releasing awesome tracks on the awesome Kompakt records for a while now. Pick up hisnew album Safe and Sound to get a good opener. It’s kind of techno-pop-disco. But it’s very light on cheese. I’m jealous that Boomkat managed to end their review of the album with: Justus is served.

Aidan John Moffat – he used to be part of Arab Strap with Malcolm Middleton whose recent albums I like too. But his most recent album I Can Hear Your Heart is a bunch of spoken word poems over the top of audio soundscapes with bits and pieces of music woven through it. His poems are really filthy and most of them involve some kind of sexual encounter. This review explains how I feel about it:

His words, no matter how filthy, are delivered in such a manner that can’t but touch the seedier parts of your heart, and often make you smile. Maybe that’s just my sense of humour, but tales of city life, honesty, misguided love, cheating and general ‘wrongness’ have never been so comforting.

Stories of urban oddness make for a a really strange soundtrack to a commute :-)

Having completed that monster post I am now the meme-master. I tag:

Faris – because I miss the little fellah with the big hair.
Russell – because he was moaning about not getting meme’d anymore (you’ll wish you’d never said that).
Adam – because I’m working with him at the moment and I feel I should know more about him.
My Mum – because she’s got blogs (plural) and I don’t think she’s been meme’d before and it’s about time she posted some new things ;-)

A New Mix For The Weekend

Ableton Mix

Actually that’s a lie. It’s not a ‘new’ mix. It’s a mix from last weekend. But I’m posting it now.

This is from Asi’s birthday party last Friday. It was a party in a pub. So I felt I had to play a bit more ‘rowdy’ than I normally would to entertain the drunkards. Hence it’s a bit full on in places – and has some well-known stuff in there too. Disclosure – I did tidy it up when I got home, but it really was almost perfect when I did it live, honest ;-)

Download from here if you so desire: http://www.drop.io/asi_party (click listen, then you can download the MP3 file)


1. Heart ov Glass – Justus Kohncke
2. I don’t know (justus dub mix) – Chelnois R Jones
3. The Funk Phenomena – Armand Van Helden
4. Who Keeps Changing Your Mind – South Street Players
5. It’s Not Easy (Album Mix) – Westbam
6. I Feel Space – Lindstrom
7. Bells Of Brighton (Original Mix) – Steve Mac and Mark Brown
8. In My Arms (Tocadisco Mix) – Mylo
9. Just Can’t Get Enough (Dirty South Mix) – Depeche Mode
10. Wild Thing (Peaches Remix) – Peaches and Tone Loc
11. Superstylin (Unknown Breaks Mix) – Groove Armada
12. Outta Space – Deekline Feat. Top Cat
13. Fever Called Love – Rising High Collective
14. Positive Education – Slam
15. Age of Love – Age Of Love

Enjoy. Or don’t enjoy. Depends if you like that sort of thing.

My Eclectic Score is…

My eclectic music score is 90 out of 100 (according to this nifty last.fm script).

It also figures out an extended list of recommended artists calculated thusly:

The following script takes the 20 top artists in your musical profile from Last.fm, and finds the collection of top 5 similar artists for this top 20. The resulting is a list of artists similar to your preferred artists. As the list is larger (maximum = 100), your musical preference is more diverse.

The 90 related artists for my profile are:

!!!, Alex Smoke (2), Andrew Bird, Anthony Rother, Arab Strap, Arctic Monkeys, Audio Werner, Autechre, Biosphere, Black Eyed Peas, Boards of Canada, Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy, Booka Shade, Bright Eyes, Caribou, Cassius, Chris Clark, Clark, DJ Koze, DJ Shadow, DMX Krew, Daedelus, Damien Rice, Deaf Center, Digitalism, Dntel, Dominik Eulberg, Efdemin, Ellen Allien & Apparat, Elliott Smith (2), Felix da Housecat, Four Tet (2), Franz Ferdinand, Gabriel Ananda, Gui Boratto (2), Henrik Schwarz, I-F, Interpol, Iron & Wine (2), Isolée, J Dilla, James Yorkston and The Athletes, Jaylib, Jimmy Edgar, Julien Neto, Junior Boys, Justus Köhncke (2), Kanye West, Kelis, LCD Soundsystem, Legowelt, MF DOOM, Madvillain, Marsen Jules, Mathias Kaden, Michael Mayer, Modjo, My Latest Novel, Mylo, Múm, Nathan Fake (2), New Young Pony Club, Nick Drake, OutKast, Quasimoto, RJD2, Reinhard Voigt, Ricardo Villalobos (2), Sebo K, Smog, Squarepusher (2), Sufjan Stevens, Superpitcher (2), Swod, The Arcade Fire, The Boats, The Decemberists, The Future Sound of London, The Higher Intelligence Agency, The Knife, The Orb, The Roots, The Strokes, The Underdog Project, Tiefschwarz, Tiga, Trentemoller, Ulrich Schnauss, Vitalic, Von Von Von

I wondered why the artists weren’t linked, then I read this, which explains what happens when a scripting meme like this goes ‘viral’…