If anything is hot right now it’s web2.0 – it’s starting to feel like mantra for a massive new bubble that’s swelling as I type…
Some people might say it’s a lot of fuss about nothing, and that there’s essentially nothing new in web2.0 (it’s really just what the web was always supposed to be: ‘a web of networked sites that fit together to create something bigger and better than the sum of its parts’).
That’s as may be, but as a set of organising thoughts and principles I think it has a place and a role to play. It certainly helps to make a case for getting rid of the desire for ownership that has plagued commerial web activity for so long now: “We’re going to own guinea-pig food online!”. Yeah right…
A great overview and primer here.
I my not going to surf any other kind of web from now on, if it ain’t 2.0 it ain’t getting in my