Mk Gr8 T

SMS kettle: best invention ever? – maybe not, but it is the invention that we’ve been waiting for! Ever since the launch of we’ve been waiting to complete the loop, to enable the site to turn the kettle on. Now we have it…

Where can I buy one? (update: according to shinyshiny they’re hitting the shops in January.) Tea-riffic!

The best thing about Web 2.0

Creating Passionate Users: The best thing about Web 2.0 – As per normal Kathy Sierra makes some amazingly valid points over on one of my favourite blogs.

Isn’t it bugging when you read articles that express what you’re thinking so much better than you ever could?

Another case in point with Kathy is her article on ‘Dignity is Deadly’. She talks about the painful puberty that companies face when they try to grow beyond their startup roots. And questions the need to grow-up in the first place. A question dear to my heart (professionally and privately;))

Burger King Gets Farked

Burger King FarkAdrants covers BK getting ‘Farked’ – an interesting story of a brand getting stacks of exposure though an online community running away with their ‘icon’ and co-opting it in their own way. The article kind of makes it sound as if BK had a hand in it.

I was chatting with Rob from about this earlier and he spoke to Drew from Fark who made it very clear that there was absolutely nothing commercial about the Farking at all.

I’m in the process of writing a bigger piece on brands and viral subversion – I’ll post it soon…

Web 2.0 (obviously)

If anything is hot right now it’s web2.0 – it’s starting to feel like mantra for a massive new bubble that’s swelling as I type…

Some people might say it’s a lot of fuss about nothing, and that there’s essentially nothing new in web2.0 (it’s really just what the web was always supposed to be: ‘a web of networked sites that fit together to create something bigger and better than the sum of its parts’).

That’s as may be, but as a set of organising thoughts and principles I think it has a place and a role to play. It certainly helps to make a case for getting rid of the desire for ownership that has plagued commerial web activity for so long now: “We’re going to own guinea-pig food online!”. Yeah right…

A great overview and primer here.

I my not going to surf any other kind of web from now on, if it ain’t 2.0 it ain’t getting in my

Yahoo! and MSN up a tree…

…K.I.S.S.I.N.G. (well maybe). Interesting report on
MSN and Yahoo! joining forces on the IM front
to present a united front against the ‘Google-Threat’. Interestingly they appear to be leaving poor old AOL out. Almost makes me feel sorry for them, a bit.

Papa Stour

Papa Stour
I don’t know why really, but I love this little site. It’s only wee, but it’s perfectly formed. Kind of like one of thost little boutique shops where everything has been hand picked by a shopkeeper who cares. It’s just nicely designed things from Scotland, with a contemporary twist. If anyone’s looking to buy me something for Christmas – this scarf looks lovely ;-) Via