This image of Jim Henson and Kermit – posted here – has over 440 notes (at time of posting). That’s 440 people who’ve either re-blogged or ‘liked it’ on Tumblr. That’s a lot of kudos and viral spread going on. Mind you, it is a bloomin’ lovely picture.
Tumblr, I’m watching you. Like a hawk. A hawk with a lazy eye.
Tumblr is ace. I hope it never gets corpo-raped, but it will at some point I imagine ;)
I’ve been using tumblr for a year for a photo blog (and also for an online scrap book). I love wordpress for it’s super easy-ness and CMS type abilities, but tumblr is my favourite for it’s (design) community and ease of re-blogging/liking, and the DIY quality – you have to work a bit if you want to customise it. People that have never used it miss all of that. I’m often found trying to explain that to anyone who will listen (if I’m not already trying to explain the benefits of twitter).
Love Tumblr. Images and visual heavy sites as a whole have gained great traction in the last six months. Dropular, amongst others. On a side note it is interesting so see that Tumblr in general terms have a core group of users that find Twitter and Facebook not self-expressive enough. Head office in NY instead of Silicon Valley is also noteworthy.
Love Tumblr. Images and visual heavy sites as a whole have gained great traction in the last six months. Dropular, amongst others. On a side note it is interesting so see that Tumblr in general terms have a core group of users that find Twitter and Facebook not self-expressive enough. Head office in NY instead of Silicon Valley is also noteworthy.