The Next Creative Revolution

I liked this thought piece by Nick Law from R/GA. The Next Creative Revolution at Creativity-online.

It’s a thoughtful (yet slightly empassioned) piece on the evolution of advertising. For a taster:

This, we are told, is integration. For the web guy, who was recruited with the promise of a seat at the Bernbachian table, it feels more like integration at gunpoint. Instead of spending his time shoving a square-peg concept into a round-hole medium, web guy should look to his own patron saint, Marshall McLuhan.

He uses better words that what I would. But I think we’re on the same team ;-)

Worth a read.

2 thoughts on “The Next Creative Revolution”

  1. Complete cobblers.
    I don’t agree at all, mainly because it is so ill informed, Bernbach was not about any of that.

    Once again some one in a digital agency trying to make some point about advertising whilst using cliched and incorrect assumptions about what old advertising agencies are like. Digital creatives would not tolerate an ATL creative talking about all the ‘geeks’ churning out code who know nout about marketing, as it would be ill informed nonsense.

    I am all for talk about integration and all that bollocks, but you have to do it from an informed and factual base, and he really should do his homework before critiquing someones work and philosophies.

    Very annoying.

    But then again he did Nike + so what does he care.

    (i did post this on creativity , after writing it it said I had to be logged in, and I couldn’t be arsed to register, so thats how deep my emotions run)

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