The most excellent Giles who is the creator of the most excellent Edward Monkton posted a link in the comments section of the Bonfire of the Brands post. But it’s such an excellent link that I thought I had to float it to the top.
Robert Llewellyn (Scrapheap Challenge and Red Dwarf star) is documenting his year of ‘Making Do’ (not buying new stuff) on YouTube. It’s really really excellent. Honest, funny and thoughtfully done. He’s up to episode 16 and still going strong (this episode deals with his struggle with Mac-fan-boy-ism and cheating in his mission).
Here’s episode 16:
And if you want to see the clip that starts it all, it’s here:
A quote that really resonated with me:
I have actually walked out of an electronics store with a plastic bag with a very long firewire in it and I felt really good. I felt like I could really achieve something with that. How tragic is that.
The clips haven’t had as many views as they should have done IMHO. Thanks again Giles for the tip.
All his clips are here:
Admirable! What a hoarder I am.
Saw this great essay the other day to:
I’m avoiding proper grammar for a year.