Great Climate Change Video

Forget about An Inconvenient Truth, it’s all long and boring and stuff. Watch this instead…

To my mind this deserves to have a lot more views than it’s had – so I’m going to make it my mission to get more people to see it. Please blog it or link to it. Visit the clip on YouTube and rate it. Or if you’re a bit geeky Digg it or Stumble it, or whatever you can do.

I really liked the way that it’s really practical, non-preachy, and above all brilliantly funny and watchable.

Put together by Airside and Mother. (The Mother guys have been very modest about the whole thing and even though Poke live upstairs from them we’d not really heard a peep about it). So I’m going to push it for them as it’s really good and it’s for a good cause!

7 thoughts on “Great Climate Change Video”

  1. Nicely produced, but I’m not sure who it’s aimed at. It was kinda funny, but pretty patronising if you have any idea about this stuff. Also, while they should be applauded for the effort to raise awareness about personal responsibility, this vid mistakenly gave the impression that these 5 things actually could make that much of a difference to have any impact on a global level…

    I guess it feels good to be able to do 5 simple things to make ourselves feel better about sucking down a bunch of imported beers on the weekend, flying everywhere on cheap flights and buying expensive gadgets etc. In reality though, to have much of a real impact, people (and governments) WILL have to substantially change the way we do things. It may be preachy and I know people don’t like hearing that, but you know – that’s the position we’re in…

  2. I hear what you’re saying.

    But I think it nicely sidesteps some of the pitfalls that a lot of these things fall into. I thought that the humour managed to offset a lot of the stuff that might have been seen as patronising existing converts.

    And you’re right about bigger things being needed, but that’s why I quite liked the bit right at the beginning about it becoming infectious. Baby steps, baby steps…

    Maybe a part 2 is needed: “OK now you’ve done a couple of small things it’s time to give up consumerism and storm the government, let’s go!”

  3. I really like it. Anything which encourages a change in behaviour is a good thing so I’ve posted it and have asked evryone to do the same.

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  5. Well , the view of the passage is totally correct ,your details is really reasonable and you guy give us valuable informative post, I totally agree the standpoint of upstairs. I often surfing on this forum when I m free and I find there are so much good information we can learn in this forum!

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