
Now this sounds good – IMified!

I like Instant Messenger. I like the fact that IM clients are lightweight applications that can be accessed anywhere (as long as I’ve got mobile or web access). And the promise of opening up applications so that I can read and write to them via IM is cool.

So I was really disappointed when I tried to use IMified and got this…

For some reason I felt like this knockback was a bit snotty. Just goes to show how super-important tone of voice is (especially in error messages!).

I will try it again tomorrow. I’m hoping for better fortunes.

3 thoughts on “IMified”

  1. Hey, Dave Hoff here from IMified. We’re experiencing a rate limit from AOL and the message you received back was from AOL and not us. We’re working with them right now to try and resolve the situation. It’s not easy playing on the big guys networks but we’re not giving up.

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