Crackunit is One!

Hooray. This current version of Crackunit has made it to the age of one. That’s more than any of the other versions did…

I was thinking about the history of Crackunit and my blogging and I couldn’t remember how long I’d had the domain for so I did a search on and found that I could re-trace my steps pretty well.

Here’s the first version from 2001:

crackunit v1.

It’s from when I was DJing and I put a streaming radio thing up there without anything else.

By May 2002 I’d managed to make it into a kind of blog, here’s a bit of the navigation (missing some style sheets):

crackunit v2

But I can’t seem to view the rest of the page…
My ISP didn’t like it because they thought I was doing bad copyright stuff in terms of hosting bits of music, and I kind of was. So they deleted everything I’d ever done, and being a fool I had no backups, so I gave up on the whole lark for a bit.

Then I decided to start blogging again through 2003/2004 on (here’s a page from 2003 via but it was just a kind of anything and everything about nothing kind of blog. Then, one year ago today, Crackunit was re-born.

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