Nice Macmillan Cancer Support People

macmillan handout

I’d already seen a poster for this and was going to write about it.

I was going to write about it because I just thought it was a really nice idea, having a big coffee morning to raise money. Especially when it’s a charity whose purpose is to provide support to people who are affected with cancer, so the feeling of a coffee morning is just right.

Then when I got to the station there was a girl standing by a big cup handing out these to people who walked by:

macmillan biscuit

I have to admit I’m not really a fan of people handing stuff out like this, normally it just ends up being pointless rubbish. But a biscuit. To advertise a coffee morning. That’s OK. Then I realised that the girl was targeting people who were carrying cups of coffee, and giving them a biscuit to go with it. And the copy in the handout references that.

I thought that was a really subtle touch that turns the whole thing from being pretty good, to being very good.

So if you want to find out more about holding a charity coffee morning in your workplace on the 28th September for a good cause. Visit