Thank you kindly to the guys at Sell Sell for sending me a free t-shirt. I love free t-shirts. When I get sent them I’ll blog about them or Tweet them or whatever. I’m a free t-shirt-whore-blogger.
Here’s the t-shirt they sent:
I don’t know why it is, but I find swearwords on t-shirts incredibly offensive. So much so that I couldn’t blog the picture without blanking them out. Which is really strange because I don’t mind a bit of colourful language in real life. I use it on my blog. I use it on Twitter. But I feel like there’s something just really crass and vile about sweary t-shirts. Or maybe I’m just becoming a prude.
I guess it’s the fact that your swearyness is being imposed on other people. In the same way I don’t like people shouting swears on the street. But if someone has opted in to the odd swearword through following me on Twitter then I have slightly less reservations about it.
I don’t want to appear ungrateful. But at the same time I suppose I am being really ungrateful. Oh, and whilst I’m in full-on ungrateful git mode: XL is really massive (for anyone wishing to send me any kind of t-shirt medium is a good bet – the Poke address is as good a place as any to mail things).
This t-shirt actually makes me feel sorry for Jonathan from Spotify. I don’t like the idea of people hating him this much. I liked light-hearted ribbing of him – and calling him a Croc-Wearer, is about as far as his crime goes in my book. This t-shirt based fatwa is a step too far.
Jonathan, if it makes you feel any better I won’t be wearing this t-shirt.
Sorry Sell Sell guys. But thanks for the t-shirt. It was a lovely and kind gesture. I’m sure there will be people who like the t-shirt, and some of them might hopefully see it here.