I liked this idea about capturing a day in history through blogs:
‘One Day in History’ is a one off opportunity for you to join in a mass blog for the national record. We want as many people as possible to record a ‘blog’ diary which will be stored by the British Library as a historical record of our national life.
It’s just a shame that they’re not really using blogs at all, you just submit a diary entry through the site. For me it’d be really great if they’d done it actually taking a snapshot of real peoples’ blogs on that day rather than getting them to write bespoke entries into their page. I’m sure it’ll skew the kind of things that people write and create a less accurate picture as a result. Plus the context of the design of peoples’ blogs would give it a much richer feeling and a better impression of the online world in 2006.
I guess the upside of their method is that everyone gets to enter whether they’ve got a blog or not.
Damn the ‘B-Word’ is trendy right now…