Completely Insane Lo-Fi Flash Animation


From 2007 I think, but new to me. Incredibly strange lo-fi 8-bit style game animation – The Tale of the Übercat.

If it’s your kind of thing don’t miss Snail Jesus Rides Again.

Thanks to Martin for leaving a link to Albino Blacksheep in the comments.

Oh My Good Lord

Sophie’s brother introduced me to the work of Larry Carlson yesterday. Half of me wishes he hadn’t.

It’s like a portal into a strange dimension that makes you feel kind of odd. But you can’t help sticking around to see what happens next.

The flash animations on his site are absolutely amazing.


Not sure how safe they are if you’ve got a susceptibility to flashing things – pretty dangerous I’d imagine.

Oh and he’s got other sites too like Medijate which are just as odd/amazing.

He’s obviously been around a while and well covered in some places. But I just had to share it.