What a jolly nice day. Here’s a muxtape for the kind of stuff I’ll be listening to…
Tag: muxtape
My Balearic Muxtape
Everyone seems to be Muxtaping today.
They’re calling it the easy way to create and share mixtapes. And it is. You just upload your tracks and it puts them together in a nice webpage where people can just click to listen.
They’ve got a blog here: http://muxtape.tumblr.com/.
37 Signals bigged it up so it’s being hammered at the moment (uploading is disabled for the moment as I write this). There’s also obvious issues regarding rights. They do say you should used cleared tracks – but if you look at any of the muxtapes on there most of them aren’t. Including mine (sorry).
My afternoon’s balearic listening can be heard right here: http://baleariciain.muxtape.com/
One of those brilliantly simple sites that does one thing very well.