Support Earth Hour 2009

The good folk at WWF are doing Earth Hour again around the globe. It’s really simple. Turn out the lights for an hour on Saturday at 8.30pm.

Here’s a video about it:

Judging by the number of views of that video they need some help getting the word out. So please don’t leave it to someone else, blog it, twitter it, blah blah blah.

The WWF UK Earth Hour site is here: That’s where I got the fancy light switch widget that you can see at the top of the page.

Or there’s lots more stuff over at the global site (wouldn’t it be nicer if everything was just in one place – for everyone?).

Including the (becoming) almost ubiquitous Augmented Reality thingy…

(Flo, I think you’re right)

And they’ve set up a 12s film challenge:

12seconds Earth Hour Commercial on

So turn the lights out for an hour on Saturday night. It’ll be a good thing to do. And here’s some other stuff you can do if you like.

Reusing not Recycling


Just realised I posted a dumb comment over on Ben’s blog. He’d blogged about how we should re-use our Amazon boxes and how it’d be better than recycling.

I commented about how I’d cleverly thought of re-using some Innocent pots the other day. Not realising that Innocent would have course suggested this on their packaging. Doh!

Innocent Pots Re-use ideas

You could almost hate them sometimes couldn’t you?

The pots are quite tasty by the way.