I’ve been a fan of a book called The Cluetrain Manifesto since I first read it in 2001 or 2002-ish (early days of Poke). And I’ve mentioned it a few times on this blog.
Anyway, huge inspiration. That’s loose thread one…
Then a few years later (at Google) I was involved in a big consumer launch of the Chromebook. So much so that my kids appear in the main TV ad multiple times (although they aren’t the twins in the highchairs just for the avoidance of doubt).
Anyway, I was on Twitter the other day (which I rarely am) and spotted David Weinberger (the Cluetrain author) was having a problem with his Chromebook.
So… Being somewhat of a Chromebook geek (with kids who’ve abused them horribly) I immediately recognised the problem…

It very much made my day.