They’re Home!

Eleanor and Josie on My Knee

After what seems like months, but at the same time feels like only minutes Eleanor and Josie were allowed home with us last week. I’ve not really had a chance to write anything about it because babies appear to be time-leeches of the most amazing and wonderful kind.

The timetable to our life has been completely ripped up and thrown away. We currently have a funny batch of mini-playtimes in the middle of the night. Which, whilst enjoyable, leave you feeling like a hollowed out person the next day. I’ve tried convincing myself that I used to stay up all night for fun, and that this is really no different. However that mental trick only works for a minute or two.

Thank you to everyone for your positive words and thoughts. We’ve been blessed with two amazing little girls that seemed to stride confidently through an incredibly difficult and taxing start to their lives. As parents we had fears and concerns at every turn. But their ride ended up being so much smoother than some of the babies in the special care unit. Our thoughts are with the babies and parents who are still there dealing with things we’ve been lucky enough to only worry about.

Who knows how and why these things happen, and what’s enabled them to progress in the way they have. But if positive thoughts from friends and strangers hasn’t helped them directly it’s certainly helped me and Sophie through the last couple of months.

It’s incredible to think that they should still be in their mummy’s tummy for another 2 weeks. In fact the whole thing is pretty bloody incredible.

People often seem totally terrified for us having twins. But so far having twins is brilliant. In fact it must be really tough only having one baby. Like having a Wii with only one controller ;-)

Some photos from the last few days in hospital and the first couple of days home are below:

Thank you again everyone.

18 thoughts on “They’re Home!”

  1. Wow, I missed the first posts about this (just looked back through my feed reader). Our son also made a break for it near the end of June, at 28 weeks and 1lb 13. He also came home two weeks early and has been home six weeks now. As you say, it’s weird leaving behind others with bigger problems.

    Best of luck with two of ’em – there’s me thinking one’s disruptive enough on the sleep patterns :)

  2. I don’t see a wedding ring on that hand Ian

    Babies out of wedlock??? tut tut

    Congrats..well 1/2 of a congrats until you make an honest woman of their mother

  3. Yay!!! / More happy tears and jumping for joy in the Godfrey household !
    I was about to say that I remember the first few weeks of our bundle of joy being back home but, other than a couple of fleeting half memories, the truth is that I genuinely don’t remember – it’s passed into a haze.

  4. what lovely couple of teeny tiny pontipines. congrats to you and your mrs. enjoy the sleep deprivation related hallucinations – you used to do that for fun at one time too, I’d imagine.

  5. Sweet little blessings! They are so cute. Congrats. And so lucky to have “2 for the price of 1.” Wish that had happened for me.

  6. So happy to hear this (can we have more baby posts in future on this blog pls)

  7. many hearty congrats on the two little bundles of joy. it must be great to have them home. we just had another one, so can relate to the next day hallunications of the sleep deprived variety. wonderful news!

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