Dealing With Blog Block


I was chatting with Andy about blog block on Friday. Neither of us could quite explain why we were feeling it. And I’m not sure I can explain it any better now. But this diagram has some of the components and some of the relationships between them. Anyone else got a blog block diagram they’d care to share?

Judging by the diagram I should just shut myself off for a bit and go and meditate in a cave or something. Alternatively I could just drink 3 cups of really strong coffee and mainline a bunch of wanky RSS-feeds until I get really angry about something then do a massive rant.

Or I could just go about my business until something vaguely interesting crops up. To be honest I think that’s probably the best thing to do…

12 thoughts on “Dealing With Blog Block”

  1. oh the pressure of blog-block….

    I’d add few things:

    1. Too much work >> decline in blogs reading >> decline in blog writing = blog block

    2. Something X (Too much work, global meltdown etc) >> less observant mindset >>> blog-block

    And one rather personal but can be applied according to your own personal context

    newborn >> change in context >> changing priorities >> less observant mindset >>feeling left outside the conversation>>blog-block

  2. I was wondering if the meltdown would change everything.
    I have bunch of WIP projects that suddenly look really wrong.

  3. I think the decline in commenting has made blogging feel more like just shouting in an empty sports hall.

    Still, it’s better than bog block, which really stinks.

  4. You should just stop caring so much. The moment you really stop caring, I mean really truly stop caring you’ll be scrambling to get your thoughts down.

  5. Hey, that’s odd. I mean your RSS feed just stopped working in my internet.

    Maybe once I can get that fixed then your Blog Block will be Unblocked. Maybe.

  6. I think it depends on what type of blogger you are. I reckon I’m more of an observational or journalistic blogger and usually comment on the media landscape around me as it evolves. For me, I go through blogger block when I haven’t read anything or discovered anything for a while which has interested me.

    Ultimately, if its a slow news week, its a slow blogging week for me too.


  7. I echo your diagram particularly with the ‘Too many other people saying too much’ and the ‘too busy’ – only I’m not ‘too busy’ I’m the opposite, which I’ve found can have both a positive and negative response to my own blog. Even commenting on this has made me just sit here and go ‘what was I going to say’… quite.

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