Making A YouTube Band

Making A YouTube Band

If you play solo clips from YouTube on the same page at the same time it sounds oddly like a band (kinda). I’ve got a project on the go to try and make an interesting random YouTube band maker. But I need some help.

See what it sounds like here, and read more:

Sorry if the page looks funny in some browsers, I built it with iWeb to see how good it is – I’m sure the code is minging but just wanted to see if it could do the job – I’ve only tested it on Safari and Firefox 3 on Mac (shoddy I know). If the page doesn’t look like the image above I’d love to hear the details in the comments below.

8 thoughts on “Making A YouTube Band”

  1. This is kind of what we did with which in hindsight falls down because it’s too flipping complicated a site and asks people to record a particular song. Doing it directly with youtube is a much simpler way to make a virtual band.

    I always wanted to do a site where people can actually play together live, a virtual band in a virtual rehearsal room. All members of the band being in different parts of the world.

    I’ve also been mixing with my films recently. Sounds a bit shit though:

  2. I loved the ‘idea’ of the Walkman project. But as we all know getting people to do things is tough. That’s why I like the idea of these ‘found’ bands. Even though they’ll all be out of time and sound like chaos.

    Flo, have you seen eJamming?

    They call it Skype for musicians – might be a start of your virtual band ;-)

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