Too good. An project that looks at jewelery and status in the digital age. The creator Markus Kison says:
Update of the ring as a status symbol. It shows the number of Google hits you get, when you search for the name of the person who wears it.
Basically it’s a ring that shows how popular the wearer is based on Google hits. It’s fully syncable so it can have all the latest scores.
Read more about it here – there’s also a video that shows the prototype working.
Apparently he’s looking for someone to help take it into production…
Thanks to the excellent Innovation Playground for the link.
what a complete pile of crap!
Sorry you didn’t like it. I thought that it made an interesting statement about what makes status in the digital age. In the olden days the size of the ring and the number of jewels would do it. Could that be replaced by Technorati rating?
Very cool, My friend Neil is getting one for Christmas!
that ring is absolutely gut wrenchingly foul, but very cool. I would buy it if it could be mashed to facebook/myspace, and if it was a belt buckle.
I once had an idea for a mobile phone to suck some big ARPU out the pockets of teens – basically it’s a phone that has extra glowy lighting (like those philips ambi-light TVs for example, or EL wire).
The lighting is controlled by the activity of calls/sms you have recently made. So it fades when you don’t use the phone – e.g. if noone texts you in an hour or so, the phone looks kind of sad and dull, and if you send loads of texts it glows and throbs in a happy, popular kind of way. A bit like a puppy.
Ant – you just gave away gold… Coming soon to a coloured phone network near you ;-)