I’ve been using a ‘high-speed’ Internet connection in a Romanian hotel. Thing is, it’s not really high-speed at all.
I hadn’t realised just how much I take broadband (at decent speed) for granted.
I’ve been trying to think of a good way to describe how it feels. It’s really strange, everything just feels a bit wrong. The best I could come up with is that it’s like riding a bike with very flat tyres: You get there in the end, but it hurts more than usual and the handling just feels awkward and like you might fall off (I quite like the thought of ‘falling off’ the Internet).
A word of advice to people that make stuff online: big heavy flash sites really do suck for a lot of people in the world.
I remember Johnnie Vaughn describing the dial-up experience as like going to the newsagent to buy your favourite magazine and it being handed over the counter one page at a time….
So true. A couple on months ago I exceeded my so called unlimited broadband allowance, so they slowed me down to 64k. It was excruciating. Someone sent me a 3mb file and it took 45mins to open my email. Best thing that ever happend really. I’m now very conscious of trimming any unecessary detail.
I’ve been working from South Africa for the last few months where you pay per meg for your not-so-broadband and that’s a had a huge bearing on the work I do. Like Stan I’ve been keeping things trim and in the end you get a better result for all bandwidths.
I've been working from South Africa for the last few months where you pay per meg for your not-so-broadband and that's a had a huge bearing on the work I do. Like Stan I've been keeping things trim and in the end you get a better result for all bandwidths.