It’s really odd. But since I’ve been away for a week on holiday I’ve found it really really hard to start blogging again. I’ve faced the blank WordPress interface a couple of times now, but I just can’t seem to do it.
It’s not that I haven’t got anything interesting to say, well no less un-interesting than the normal rubbish anyway. But there’s some kind of psychological hurdle that I’ve got to get over. And I suppose this post is my way of doing it.
It feels almost like the very first blog post I ever wrote. The same feelings are back:
- What are people going to think?
- What if someone calls me a tosser in the comments?
- I’m sure no-one gives a shit what I think…
- No-one’s really going to read it anyway, so what does it matter…
But this time, I’m slightly older, and perhaps slightly blog-wiser. So I’m not going to let these thoughts trouble me for quite as long.
Anyway, like someone who’s just had their hymen reconstructed ‘doing it’ for the first time (again), it’s great to have popped my cherry (again).
Most bloggers are writers at heart and blocks always come for writers, except traditionally published writers get to stay in Tuscany or Cornwall for a week or two, to get over it. That’s my tuppence for today :)
from someone who stumbled across your blog a couple of months ago – i feels i must say i enjoy your point of view on ‘stuff’ and am glad you back.
I concur MC.
This blog stinks of brilliance :)