Go and See Alan Fletcher

alan fletcher wall

I suppose that’s not really possible so visit this exhibition of his work at the Design Museum instead.

I went on Saturday and it was great. Amazing to see the work of someone who’s both era-defying and defining at the same time – some of his work from the 60s looks like it could have been done today. Other bits look like the very essence of the 60s.

Plus I’ve got a huge huge admiration for people who do type without computers. I’d love to be able to hand draw letters like he could…

He’s probably best known (in the mainstream) for his book: The Art of Looking Sideways – which is an amazing labour of love (or obsession depending on your POV), like much of his work.

Oh and don’t miss the iron alphabet gates to his house. Stunning.

It’s on until Feb 18th. Go.

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