Well the loft is closed. It’s been tidied up and cleared out. And I’ve been reduced to making mixes on the train between home and work.
I’m not sure it’s the train’s fault but I’m really happy with how this one’s turned out.
- Two Dots (Pezzner Remix) – Lusine
- Love Cry (Joy Orbison Remix) – Four Tet
- Love, Liptease & 808 – Krystian Shek
- Twilight (Jeff Samuel Remix) – Lusine
- Aurevoir (Broke Remix) – Alif Tree
- A Lost Warmth – Vincent Casanova
- Clear Eyes (Trickski Remix) – Chopstick & Johnjon
- Chemise (Tony Underground Remix) – Sorcerer
- Time For Us – Nicolas Jaar
- Midnight – Charlie May
- Seasun – Delorean
- Sonorcade (Terrace Remix) – Art Bleek
- Subakuatik Blues (Russ Gabriel Perspective) – Petter
- Take Me As I Am (Max Cooper Remix) – Au Revoir Simone
- Big Weekend (Delorean Remix) – Lemonade
You can download the mix from here in enhanced podcast format (right click – save as). This will give the best results on iPods and iTunes (you’ll get all the track names and artwork, etc.
If you don’t like iPods or iTunes and want a plain old MP3 you can get one of them from here.
And you should be able to .
Or here it is in fancy SoundCloud embedded format here:
Best mix so far. Brilliant.
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