4 thoughts on “Painted Streetvertising”

  1. This is so shite.

    It’s like the cilit bang of guerrilla advertising

    if there is anything I loath more than stupid TV ads is outdoor advertising disguised as some pseudo-hisper-anarchic street art


  2. this is beautiful. such great art and such a fantastic deodorant brand.

    go Natrel! push the boundaries of advertising!

    this is the REAL meaning of street art – not all that stencil & banksy rubbish

  3. This has been there for weeks on Great Eastern Street, but one which looks like Bombay Saffire went up on the back side of the building, but given that it is a spot that gets redone every few weeks, might not stand there for long.

    You can see a pic here: http://flickr.com/photos/bixentro/2862326440/

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