Boxes Not Blogs

Sorry it’s a bit quiet round here. I’m busy packing up all my things to move house so my life’s in boxes at the moment which is a bit stressful. And I’ve not got much time, or space, to do blogging-like activities.

Just in case you’re missing out on a dose of waffling, here’s a scan of a column that I wrote for Revolution this month. I’m not sure about the title they gave the piece: Luddite hippy seeks non-interruption for calm online relations.

But on the other hand I’d quite like to have a luddite hippy alter-ego… maybe he’ll come out when I’m in Brighton.

3 thoughts on “Boxes Not Blogs”

  1. I’m looking forward to meeting him — the Brighton hippy Luddite.

    Hope move goes smoothly and that you get a visceral thrill as you move in.

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