One digital life reports on a really neat promotion run by MacZot.
They reduced the price of the Appzapper application by 5 cents for every blog that linked to the site. Mac bloggers went nuts for it and the price went down to completely free. Sensibly it didn’t stay free forever; just for a limited period / number of downloads.
What’s so smart about this?
- The inbound links will last for a long time.
- You can pretty much guarantee that they’ll have an amazing Google ranking as a result.
- The people who will have got the free download will be bloggers (who are likely to talk about the product and their experience).
- Everybody wins.
- It cost them very little.
Smart work.
That is beyond clever, and I am going to try and steal/adapt that mechanic for every client in the next month or 2.
It taps into the whole community idea on so many levels:
1. blogs, linking, trackbacks etc, but interestingly…
2. the motivation – the people linking to the product don’t get much out of it themselves – but they get to help everyone else out, so that collectively, everyone saves a lot.
It’s cool that’s a motivating proposition for people. Makes me feel glad to be part of the blogosphere, as opposed to wanting to beat myself to death with Media Guardian, as it normally does.
I think it also highlights what advertising is and isn’t becoming. Nice.
Steal – or adapt as you say ;-) the idea, give it a catchy buzz-name and you’ll have a new Marketing 2.0 business that will be hot for at least a few months.
I like the idea of self-flagellation using the Media Guardian – I might start doing that on a weekly basis to keep myself sane.