Loading Haiku


I’ve just finished a new website. The joys of early morning rising through jetlag :-)


Basically it’s a collection of Haiku that I started writing whilst waiting for heavy websites to download (and there’s been a few recently). Then I figured I’d release them all under a Creative Commons License so that people can take them and re-incorporate them into their loading sequences.

If you’d like to submit a Loading Haiku to the site there’s a link in the ‘more info’ box at the bottom.

I’m afraid the site suffers from my dodgy grasp of CSS. And I’m especially sorry to users of Microsoft Internet Explorer who won’t be able to view the site properly. I tried for ages to get the site to work properly but it was just screwed – and I don’t have enough time, or more importantly skill, to fix it.

I did however write a poem especially for IE visitors , if you try to visit the site you’ll get to see it. If you don’t have IE and you’d like to, you can read the special IE poem here.

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