A Real-Life Chalk-Based Discussion Forum in Brighton

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Panorama

Spotted this the other day. It’s a big chalk thing on the prom in Brighton (click here for a full 6000px wide panorama where you can see all the details). It invites people to leave gossip on the pavement. It’s massive. And they supply chalk.

I thought it was a bit like a discussion forum. Then as I looked at the detail the thought solidified before my very eyes…

Here’s the instructions:

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Instructions

Some posts:

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Detail

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Detail

Here’s a threaded discussion developing (at the top) with a random OT post underneath:

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Threaded Discussion

And like in all good forums communities of shared opinion pop-up:

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - A Community Emerges

Then sure enough, the seeders, spammers and advertisers move in ;-)

Chalk Based Discussion Forum on Brighton Beach - Advertising

If the rain hasn’t washed it all away you can find it here.
View Chalk Gossip in a larger map

5 thoughts on “A Real-Life Chalk-Based Discussion Forum in Brighton”

  1. I love this and hope it stays.

    Under the railway bridge on Sackville Road, Hove a chalk writer has been communicating his/her messages in words and pictures for a while now.

    They started on walls and pavements up and down Sackville Road over 6 months ago; I walk past them most days. I like them.

    Recently the messages have been washed off a day or so after their arrival, not by the rain but by someone else. This saddened me.

    I happened to be walking on the east side of the road and noticed the familiar style on the pavement in front of me. A short little note left by the Sackville Road chalk writer. Told by the local police that the act of drawing here was illegal and if not stopped, action would be taken.

    In the land of Writer and Poet’s Corner, sad that a new voice might not be heard.

  2. What’s up, is there anybody else here?
    If it’s not just all bots here, let me know. I’m looking to network
    Oh, and yes I’m a real person LOL.


  3. I love this and hope it stays.

    Under the railway bridge on Sackville Road, Hove a chalk writer has been communicating his/her messages in words and pictures for a while now.

    They started on walls and pavements up and down Sackville Road over 6 months ago; I walk past them most days. I like them.

    Recently the messages have been washed off a day or so after their arrival, not by the rain but by someone else. This saddened me.

    I happened to be walking on the east side of the road and noticed the familiar style on the pavement in front of me. A short little note left by the Sackville Road chalk writer. Told by the local police that the act of drawing here was illegal and if not stopped, action would be taken.

    In the land of Writer and Poet's Corner, sad that a new voice might not be heard.

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